Generating your own electricity means that you will be using less power from your energy retailor this immediately translates into savings on your energy bill. The Federal government is currently providing generous subsidies on installation which reduces up front cost. National Solar Services offers finance options to suit all budget types.
As a green alternative to traditional energy sources, Solar Energy reduces your carbon footprint. By using solar power, we are taking a step ahead to make a clean environment for our next generation
Solar is an asset to any property, increasing its overall market value. To potential tenants and buyers, solar panels can be an enticing bonus, much like a newly renovated kitchen or bathroom.
Our Solar Panels include a 20- to 25-year warranty (also known as a performance guarantee) with their installation. This industry standard guarantees 80% performance after 25 years. The real lifespan of solar panels is much longer – meaning that your solar panels will likely generate a good amount of electricity 30-40 years down the line.